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  • Writer's pictureNikki Van Ekeren

This Moment is Yours

“rest into this moment”

each moment

is complete unto itself.

so, why waste

this moment


or plotting

or planning

your next moment?

stretch out

into this moment.

feel it.

be completely in it.

flex your attentive muscle.

rest into this moment

with authority,


and ease.

seize it.

declare your place in it.

let nothing slip away from you.

feel and experience it all.

it’s yours.


I wanted to share my intention/mantra for the moment…as it is to be in the moment.

As I was laying in bed the other night, I felt this intention emerge. My mind was ready to think about the day and rate my performance, but I let this idea go and decided to just lay in bed and relax.

I am sure this is an ongoing idea for most of us. But, when it arises in your own mind, it feels as if you discovered it! :)

As a wise friend always says during his yoga class, “rest is a birthright.”

You have every right to rest, to relax and to be in this moment. By enjoying this moment, you are not taking anything away from future successes. You do not have to continually be plotting your next move or post.

Seize this moment. You are the narrator and creator of it!

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